Thursday, November 8, 2007


I absolutely love the new Dove ad. I feel it was well-made the message is powerful . However, I don't believe these socially responsible ads would continue if it wasn't what women wanted to hear or the sales dropped significantly. Societies standard of beauty, plastic surgery, botox and being thin are all hot topics right now. Attacking these things and not using thin, half naked women sets them apart from the competition and that angle has worked, so far, for Dove. Axe is also owned by Unilever and the "Bom Chicka Wah Wah" video (very stupid) on the Axe website was the exact opposite because it is reaching out to a male audience. It's all about what sells and men want to believe that they can get attractive, young, thin and sexually available women if they wear Axe (regardless of their own appearance). Whatever.

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